As I promised before - next part of BA on startup delivered! So part 3 - effective collaboration between BA and UI/UX experts.
You've got highlevel requirements or detailed specification from the customer, you understand the value which should be delivered to the end user. You also understand why end user needs this functionality. The main question there is- how user should interact with a system in order to get it? That's why - your next step is a brainstorm session with UX expert.
Main tips in order to achieve most effective collaboration and !results ever:
1. Most of them are bad organized*. You should be a glue between them and other stakeholders.
*most of UX guys I worked with were not organized at all ;)
Probably for someone that is not critical, but for BAs (I bet) it's really important. We need to have full picture and clear-cutted requirements. Don't try to push on them, just use your best communication/professional skills in order to achieve great results.
2. Try to have LIVE brainstorm sessions for new functionality - keep arguing.
It's not enough to send a specification and ask about UI flow. You will never get good solution in such case. Try to use live meetings on early discussion sessions. Try to deliver all needed info for them, once they come up with some solutions try to analyze it and destroy immediately! Why - there definitely will be 'wholes' where logic might not be achieved. Keep arguing, keep generating stupid ideas, keep collaboration - until they wouldn't have questions without answers. Once you get a final approach and there are no white spaces - you did good. You both did good.
3. Listen carefully to their ideas - probably it's time to change business logic
During brainstorm sessions arguing you might catch yourself thinking that- Hmmm, these guys are right. We add complexity in place where it shouldn't exist. You should re-think logic. If the main value is still achievable, than good compromise is to change business logic in order to make UI/UX more intuitive and simplier.
BA's - Try to avoid the formality in collaboration with UI/UX team. Forget about processes while interacting with them. Be result oriented as much as you can. Doing this you will get best UX & UI possible for functionality you need.
P.S. UX experts - sorry for the hipsters analogy. That is how most of people imagine you :)